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A fun game where you throw a metallic ball onto the bricks

Smartphone Pliable |
added on February 28, 2019
Download APK
35.4mb | free


An interesting and fun approach to Android gaming
Does not include any in-game ads or similar


Once you reach a certain threshold, the game gets really fast and you lose very quickly
Very simple, with areas for improvement
Price: $
Is this the next addictive game that will take over the world? Well, probably not. But, iPliable is a fun game that you can play on your Android as well as iOS devices. It is a simple and entertaining game that you will quickly get to like, and probably won't put down for a while.

The way the game works is that a line of colored bricks is filled at the top of the screen and falls down once it is full. The game's main objective is to hit the bricks with a metallic ball before they get filled to the top of the screen.

In order to do that you have to throw balls as fast as possible and hit as many bricks as possible (the ones that are of the same color and are next to each other). Each time the line falls down, the game's speed gets increased a little.

iPliable is totally free to play and does not include any ads or in-app purchases. By the time of writing this review, it is in the early stages of its development, so maybe we can expect that it will improve over time, as it has a good concept.
Reviewed by (editor rating 3.5 out of 5 stars)

Additional info

Minimum requirements

• Android 4.1+

Operating system


Package name

Supported languages



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